Thank you for visiting DATRAN Australia’s Support & FAQ. We hope you find what you are looking for.

We have a selection of FAQs, short training videos and detailed application notes to help you get the most out of our products.

Go to this link to watch QTech Data Systems YouTube (Datran’s NZ operators)

Please use this search bar or click the links below: 

Wireless Point to Point (WP2P)

Wiring a WP2P digital – Video

Interface Relays – Switching high current with the WP2P

How to determine line of sight – Video

How to use a WP2P Repeater – Video

How to perform a Rev-E upgrade – Video

Using latching irrigation solenoids with the WP2P

SMS Lite 

Remotely Starting a Generator – Application Note

How to set up the SMS Lite – Video

How to configure the SMS Lite – Video


How to select the right antenna – Video

How to select the right power pack – Video

Water-Insight – Fixed Grid Irrigation Control Videos

Click here for all Water-Insight training videos


QTech Training Videos

DATRAN Training Courses

Release Notices