SMS Lite troubleshooting

To help you make the most of the SMS Lite a YouTube troubleshooting video is now available.

We are always looking for ways to make using our products easier and these videos and the online help are full of useful tips.

Our 4G cellular products have an added extra level of complexity as cellular signal coverage, international telco providers and SIM cards are involved.

There is now a dedicated SMS Lite YouTube playlist. This will help you with initial set up, operation, firmware upgrades and now troubleshooting.

This SMS Lite troubleshooting video covers the fault code displays and shares our expertise having supplied hundreds of SMS Lites to customers throughout Australia and New Zealand.

There is also an extensive set of help and FAQs available on our website support page.

These cover everything from selecting power supplies and antennas to SIM card requirements.

The user manual now features a QR code than will take you directly to this location:

Our powerful SMS Controller also has a YouTube playlist.

A recent SMS Controller video is the use of SMS Messenger, the software app used to configure and program the powerful features of the SMS Controller.

Further details on the SMS Lite can be found here.

Mining Control Solutions

Mining is a complex operation that often needs remote control and alarm solutions.

DATRAN Australia’s 4G cellular and low power radio systems are widely used in the Australian mining sector. These systems can also be solar powered using our custom RSS solutions.

Typical uses and applications include the following:

Genset Monitoring

A very popular use of the 4G SMS Lite.

Your genet may even have the ability to signal low fuel warnings and faults.

High Temperature Alarms

Get a text message from a temperature sensor on a room, fridge, plant or even machinery.

Water Flow Meter Signals

Use the analogue I/O WP2P.

Transmit the water flow (4-20mA signal) to the control room without needing control cables.

Dust Suppression

Remotely start and stop the irrigation dust suppression controller from a remote position. Check it is running or get text alarms if the pump stops.

Stop Go Traffic Signals

Remotely operate warning signs remotely. View the status from several kms away and remotely change stop to go.

Pump Faults or Mains Power Fail

Get advance warning alarms if a critical pump faults, the mains power goes out or the UPS kicks in etc.

Traffic Light Override

Projects have included integration with a traffic light controller to enable emergency services to force traffic lights to red.

Site Security Alerts

Get a text message every time the server room door is opened, or the storage room is accessed.

Whilst mines are in very remote regions of Australia many now have their own cell towers installed. All our cellular products are 4G so they are not affected by the recent closure of the 3G network.

We also have a range of high gain antennas, power supplies and DIN rail mounts for your solution.

Please contact us to discuss your control solutions for mining requirements.

This link contains many other projects and applications that use our cellular and radio solutions.

DATRAN Australia Newsletter

December 2024 features include: 10 Year old SMS Lite, New phone number, ATS Genset auto changeover via text message, Christmas arrangements, New YouTube video

Click here for the full newsletter

New Phone Number

DATRAN Australia has a new phone number 0477 065 898 or +61 (0) 477 065 898.

Please update all of your records and address book contacts.

The previous phone number (0419 639 226) is currently still in use.

Our apologies for the inconvenience but the change is necessary due to our business growth requirements.

All of our other contact details remain the same, including the email:

DATRAN Australia Pty Ltd
ABN 84 615 223 919

Phone: + 61 (0) 477 065 898
Address: 129B Main Street Lithgow NSW 2790, Australia

Thank you all for you understanding and we look forward to speaking to you soon.

Best wishes,

Ross Gregory and the DATRAN Australia team.

SMS Lite 10 years old and still going strong

This SMS Lite was purchased in early 2014 and is the first generation of the product.

Our customer has been using it consistently since then and it has proven to be reliable and worked well. We are truly delighted that our engineering design and robustness of the product has delivered a life span of 10 years.

Deployed in a harsh real-world installation, it managed to outlive the 3G cellular network it was connected to.

The SMS Lite was used to monitor four signals in the electrical switchboard and it sends text message alerts when faults occur.

However, with the 3G networks closing (or already closed), our customer needs to upgrade to the 4G SMS Lite.

The SMS Lite continues to be developed and enhanced by our partner QTech in New Zealand.

The current generation 4G SMS Lite has many more features than the original version.

In August 2024 firmware version 4.10 was released which includes:

  • Field Upgradable firmware via USB
  • Support for more phone numbers
  • Configurable escalation times
  • Notification only mode – no need to reply or acknowledge
  • Broadcast mode – send alerts to multiple phones
  • Uses QTech Workbench software for advanced configuration options
  • On-line troubleshooting guide via QR code
  • Automatic power supply monitoring with return to normal messages etc

Please click here for a summary of many of the projects and applications the SMS Lite is used in.

If you are looking to replace your old 3G alert or auto dialler system,

Please contact us now for help with your 4G text alarm systems.

The 3G networks have closed.

Please review all your cellular devices as this does not just affect cell phones.

This Water-Insight article also shows many of the agricultural systems that also need to be considered.

SMS Genset ATS

Automatic transfer switches (ATS) are part of a backup power system. They provide a smooth changeover to generator power when a mains power outage occurs.

A local generator supply company contacted us wanting to use our SMS Lite as a notification and remote control override for their existing Genset ATS systems. Many of these systems are installed in remote properties used for Airbnb type accommodation.

The electrical changeover system runs a 2 Wire Start from the ATS to the generator (close to start & open to stop). Within the ATS module there is often a wiring terminal for an Aux shut down option.

The customer requirement for the SMS Genset ATS project included:

When the mains power fails, the ATS starts the generator as usual.

The generator will now run until mains power is restored as usual.

We then want an SMS text message to be sent to the designated owner notifying them the generator is running.

The designated owner can then decide to stop the generator running if it is not required. Good examples are if it is late at night, the rental property is not occupied, or heating/refrigeration are not currently required. Minimising the time the generator runs will help reduce fuel usage.

When mains power returns the ATS will return to standard operation.

The team established a practical solution that sends the owner a text message “GENSET has turned ON”.

The owner can then turn off the generator if needed, by sending the text message “ON GENSTOP” to the SMS Lite.

The SMS Lite can also turn the generator off for a fixed time.

Sending the text “PULSE GENSTOP  2 HR” stops the generator for 2 hours and then turns it back on. This would be useful to conserve generator fuel whilst preventing appliances like heaters being off for too long and allowing the temperature to drop significantly.

The initial project was using the Kohler VERSO 100 4P ATSS IP31 with 4 poles and a 63A rating.

The Kohler VERSO ATS are a compact solution and are a popular choice in Australia and New Zealand. The SMS Lite interface and solution could also be applied to other ATS.

The SMS Lite provides N/O dry relay contacts rated up for 30V 2A loads. For this application these would drive a similar relay but with an N/C contact. Turning on RLY1 output on the SMS Lite would then open the connection on the slave relay and turn off the unit.  This needs to be powered from a stable 12-24V DC (250mA) power source available at all times.

Our engineers were able to sketch this initial wiring design during the discussion with our customer.

For more detail about interface relays please click here.

This previous post details an SMS Lite remote start application for Kubota GL600D-AU-B gensets fitted with the DSE 4520 digital control panel.

Feral Pig trap 4G SMS Lite

Feral pigs are a significant threat to our agricultural industry and Australia’s unique environment and cultural sites.

The 4G SMS Lite from DATRAN Australia can be used to help with feral pig trapping.

Feral Pig trap SMS Lite 4G wiring

Using the SMS Lite will help reduce the time you spend checking feral pig traps. It will also show that you are responding in a timely manner to reduce animal stress prior to the kill.

The SMS Lite uses the 4G cellular network and is low power, making it ideal for solar panel use in rural areas.

The national authority is

They have a comprehensive plan and useful resources to both minimise and eradicate the problem.

A key tactic of the plan is the trapping of feral pigs, and this is where the SMS Lite can help.

The feral pig trap encourages the animals into an enclosed area and then secures them in a humane way. There are several trap designs, including drop gate, panel gate and silo style.

The SMS Lite can be used with any trap which has a micro switch connected to the gate mechanism. The SMS Lite sends a text message to the hunter’s cell phone confirming the trap has been activated when the micro switch closes.

This PestSmart article includes the national standard procedure for trapping.

Remember that the traps need to be inspected daily and adequate shelter is to be provided.

Feral pigs destroy our crops, land and water sources. They spread weeds and diseases, kill livestock and have an impact on our sensitive biodiversity. We are proud that our 4G SMS Lite can help with feral pig trap monitoring systems.

The RSS01 solar system is the ideal power supply option for the SMS Lite, and our high gain cellular antennas are used to maximise cell reception in remote areas.

Please get in touch for more details on our monitoring solutions

or click here for popular examples.

Remote pump control

We are often asked if our cellular and radio products can be used for remote pump control.

Inevitably the answer is yes, they can. The SMS Lite and WP2P are frequently used to remotely start, stop, and monitor pumps remotely.

Pump control and pump controllers is a specialist area and there are many different types and techniques used. Pump control can include simply turning a small pump on and off, to more advanced controls for pump speed, output pressure and flow. Your electrician or system integrator needs to be consulted as they are likely to be involved.

Typical examples of our wireless and cellular pump control implementations include:

Irrigation Pump Control

This is usually the remote control of high power 415V 3 phase AC pumps. The pumps are often switched in a sequence to provide water to different centre pivot irrigators at different times.

The pump shed is often in a remote area of the farm and using WP2P radio remote control prevents the farmer having to drive to the pump shed.

Booster Pump Control (Flood Mitigation)

Often used to switch on a booster pump before the water level or stream flow reaches a dangerous level. The booster pumps are large and expensive to run, so it is important to only use when necessary.

Systems have been used which combine a WP2P radio link and a SMS Lite to give 4G text alerts.

Pump Fault Indication

Typical examples are monitoring the phase failure and sending the “pump fault” output from the pump controller as an SMS alarm. SMS alarms can also be sent from a low pressure signal, which would indicate a pump fault or potential leak. Using the pulse output feature of the SMS Lite is also a great way or performing a fault reset remotely.

Bilge Pump Monitoring

This popular SMS Lite application sends SMS alerts when a water level is detected in a boat and it provides on/off control of the DC powered bilge pump. The SMS Lite can use it’s spare I/O for boat security system or power supply monitoring etc.

Sump Monitoring

Similar to the bilge pump application but usually for buildings close to the water table. A recent example was the sump of a hotel elevator shaft which was close to the water table. The SMS Lite was used to text maintenance staff during weather events so the booster pumps can be operated to prevent spillage.

Bore Pump Monitoring

Used to provide confirmation that the bore pump is running and get warnings if the pump stops.

This project used our powerful SMS Controller to meet the project requirements.

It was in a rural location and remote control was crucial to prevent extensive travel time for the owners.

Considerations for Pump Control Projects

Important considerations for the remote switching of your pump include:

Controller Outputs – Does the pump controller have relay outputs that can be connected to the SMS Lite or WP2P?

These are often provided for pump running, pump fault, high temperature, mains fail etc. Some controllers may have only a single output relay but its function can be selected.

Controller Inputs – Does the pump controller have auxiliary switch inputs for remote start requests?

Generally, if the controller has a digital panel this is likely and they are often found on an internal terminal strip. If the controller is an analogue type with knobs and switches, it is unlikely to support remote starts. Check with the controller manufacturer.

Relay Contacts – Our relay outputs are low power DC contacts that will need interface relays or contactors to operate high current and AC mains powered pumps.

Click here for more detail on interface relays.

Cellular coverage – Is there 4G network coverage at the pump location? Remote rural areas and hilly terrain often have limited reception and this may prevent the cellular SMS Lite option being considered. Check how many bars are shown on your phone to give an initial indication.

Line of Sight and range – If using WP2P radio systems, is there clear line of site between the pump and control? Click here for more detail. The wireless repeater can also be used to extend range.

Setpoint Changes – You will need the Analogue I/O version of the WP2P if a 4-20mA signal is needed for setpoint, flow or pressure indication.

Our powerful DATRAN SCADA system is also used by many local councils for the monitoring of their reticulated infrastructure. These systems include remote pump control of water, wastewater and storm water systems and uses the DATRAN XL4 Plus RTU.

These projects are different to the WP2P and SMS Lite projects. The XL4 Plus RTU is typically interfaced to the pump controller by an Ethernet or serial Modbus connection. The pump controller is usually an industrial PLC which is used to control the entire water treatment plant.

Please contact us to discuss remote pump control options.

NE Link Melbourne - 4G SMS Lite alarms

The North East Link (NEL) is the largest roading project in Victoria.

Our 4G SMS Lite cellular controller is part of the solution.

The NEL project is being considered as the ‘missing link’ in Melbourne’s road transport network. The project will ultimately connect the M80 motorway to the Eastern Freeway. This will connect important growth areas in the north and south-east of Melbourne. The NEL project involves upgrades to the Eastern Freeway, a dedicated Busway, more than 25 kilometres of new and upgraded cycling and walking paths, and improvements to community facilities including sports grounds.

The $11.1 billion major works contract is being delivered via a public-private partnership with an incentivised target cost (ITC), believed to be a first for Australia.

DATRAN Australia has contributed to this project using the SMS Lite cellular controller. This solution will monitor four signals in a plant room and will send alarms as text messages over the 4G cellular network.

We worked with Spark who are a multi-national consortium featuring world leading construction companies and they are one of the largest road and tunnel operators in Australia.

The popular DIN rail mount is also used to simplify installation in the control panel. High gain cellular antennas and DC power supplies were also provided.

The products and part numbers supplied for the project include:

PD8640-4G – SMS Lite Controller

PD8640-DIN-BRCKT – DIN Rail Mount

COL8195 – Cellular Antenna High Gain

CB-QDR-PWR – DC Power Cables

The SMS Lite, and the larger SMS Controller, are popular in multiple industries and applications all across Australia.

This post outlines many of the popular alerts and alarms they are frequently used for.

If you are looking for cellular monitoring or remote control of any electrical device, please get in touch with DATRAN Australia now.

SMS Controller SMS Text alarms

What can send SMS text alarms with the 4G SMS Lite and SMS Controller?

A new customer asked this recently by so we decided to provide a summary of popular alarm examples.

In short, virtually anything can send an alarm with our SMS Lite and SMS Controllers – all we need is a switch or contact closure from the device to be monitored.

Please click on the titles below for more information:

Fire Alarm Systems

System activated, system fault, mains power fail

Intruder Alarm Systems

Door open, intruder detected, panel door open, keypad in use, mains power fail

Pig and Poultry Farms

High temperature warning, ventilation fault, mains power fail

Bilge Pumps

Water level detected, bilge pump running, bilge pump fault

Generator (Genset)

Low fuel alarm, oil level warning, High temperature warning, mains power fail

Generator remote start

Crane Aircraft Warning Lights

System status, power supply fault, crane is moving

Flood Mitigation

Water level detected, mains power lost

Cold Room (Cool Store)

Fridge fault, compressor failure, temperature warning, mains power fail

Centre Pivot irrigation

Phase fail, electrical fault, irrigation has stopped, alignment fault, low water pressure

Pump fault

Phase failure, over temperature fault, VSD fault

UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply

Mains power unavailable, UPS activated, high temperature warning

Sport Field Lighting & LED lighting upgrades

Mains power fail, LED lighting fault, control cabinet is open

LED Sports field lighting

Sending SMS text alarms is simple with the SMS Lite and SMS Controllers from DATRAN Australia.

And remember the 3G cellular networks are closing down – all our controllers are 4G.

Contact us today to discuss your requirements.